About me & my style

I’m Jeremy AY! I’m a photographer based out of Vancouver and Toronto, Canada.

I’m an easy going guy and I like good beer, dance, travel, climbing, camping, cars, and cats.

When I’m not working at weddings or commercial photo work you can probably find me climbing (indoor and outdoor), on my paddle board, or obsessively cleaning my car. Or fixing it - probably fixing it.

I have fifteen years experience in the wedding and event industry. I shot my first wedding at fifteen years old and since then I have worked with more couples than I can count.

I’ve been told that I have a calming effect by clients. I try to be my real self with you, and that’s a cool cat chaotic weirdo who happens to be good at taking photos. I put my wedding professional hat on for the moments it’s needed, but other than that I just wanna chill and be your friend.

My photo style comes from my obsessive need to preserve memories. This obsession has led me to document everything from the important people in my life, the places I’ve traveled to, and mundane daily moments. I love capturing fleeting moments in time so they can be returned to and relived in their rawest form.

While working with you I’ll direct and guide you through poses during your portrait session but for the most part during your wedding day my style is wedding photojournalism.

Nothing you see on here is staged. These are all real couples. I don’t do editorials, styled shoots, or stiff posing. All the smiles you see are from those who have told me they are uncomfortable in front of a camera.

Aside from weddings I also shoot a whole lot of other cool stuff. You can find that work here.